Saturday, August 4, 2012

Principal Ward says NSHS to Begin Middle College in the Fall

8/4/2012 12:36:00 AM
Issuing a challenge to Ninety Six juniors and seniors
Middle college program gives students chance to earn college credit
Rex Ward
Rex Ward
By MICHELLE LAXER from the Index Journal

In addition to a brand new school complex and concession stand facility, this upcoming school year brings the launch of a middle college program for the Ninety Six school district.
The middle college is a challenging new curriculum for Ninety Six's juniors and seniors designed by Piedmont Technical College.
"The middle college is a specific curriculum designed by Piedmont Tech where students can earn an associate degree and a high school diploma at approximately the same time," Ninety Six High School Principal Rex Ward said.

Students in the middle college program will take four college level courses each semester for two years. In the mornings, the students take their high school classes and Piedmont Tech classes in the afternoons.
A sample of middle college classes include art history and appreciation, general psychology, college algebra, biology and elementary Spanish. Some classes are taught by Piedmont Tech instructors, others by Ninety Six faculty.
Ward said the middle college started to take shape after the district's accreditation process last year.
"When AdvancED came through with accreditation last year, one of their recommendations was to have something in place for high achieving students," he said.


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